Take a bite into your past...
The Core is an AFDA Third Year Experimental Short film, written and directed by Damien Cupido and Aphiwe Gwiji. Produced by Emma Morapedi, starring Zukhanye Tshandu, Sibusiso Khanyile and Daisy Hermus. Follow the protagonist Buhle as she navigates through the rot of her past and find out whether she will uncover the seeds necessary for change...
A film about heartbreak told like no other, as it takes audience members on a journey through the eyes of the protagonist. The film seeks to highlight the importance of love and letting go and does so through a technically complex film that makes use of mixed-media and stunning visual effects. The soundscape which was organically generated and recorded from scratch adds an element of rich texture to the associated visuals seen on screen.
The music carries the audience through the film as it reflects the inner turmoil and feelings of the protagonist. The film which was largely shot against a green screen will have audience members questioning whether the shoot was done on location or not due to the flawless joint execution of the cinematographers and the post-production department.
The use of mixed-media expands on the traditional filming conventions and truly represents the Experimental Genre that the film belongs to. The collaboration from all departments on this film is truly remarkable and every element seeks to better the film and not distract from it.
The apple imagery plays a pivotal role in the telling of this story, with its rich gold colouring something seems peculiar but you can’t quite put your finger on it.